I do not make New Year's Resolutions. I think they are quite silly. To decide to change something just because the calendar flipped to January and you have to write a new date on your checks, doesn't hold out much hope for success. I believe that, in order to change ANYTHING about your life, you must WANT to change. You can't just wake up on Jan. 1 and go "Ok. From this day forward, I will now _______."
Now, if Jan. 1 happens to be a good starting date for you, then that's ok.
But I feel that, if it's important enough to change, you should do it when it becomes important, and not wait for an arbitrary date on the calendar.
I believe that is why most "new year's resolutions" fail. People are just saying them because they feel they have to. They don't really WANT to change. They think, "oh yea, it's Jan. 1. Time for a new year's resolution. Let's see........lose weight, drink more water. Oh, and exercise." Then, on a cold, gray, rainy Monday morning in January, are they going to get up and exercise? Heck no! (I personally think January is a bad time to decide to take up morning exercise. It's so cold.......Better to start that in the summer so that it has become a habit by January. Then you'll have a better chance for success.)
So, with that said, I have no things I feel I need to change about myself at this moment. I have plenty of things I feel I SHOULD change, but none that I want to work on at present. :)
Now, for something that will seem ironic given the diatribe above, I have been wanting a treadmill to walk on for some months now. My loving husband found me one and gave it to me for Christmas! I have tried various ways and forms of exercising over the past couple of years. I love walking around our neighborhood, but during the winter, well, it's cold. I like walking at the Boys & Girls Club, but that means driving over there and taking time away from my family. I like doing exercise videos, especially really dancy ones, but that involves finding a clear space of floor with an unoccupied TV and keeping two little girls at bay while I grapevine and sashay. (sp?)
So I will now attempt the treadmill. We had one at our old house, and I used it quite a bit. It's annoying that they're so darn big and ugly, though. Thankfully ours is hidden in the bedroom now instead of our living room. I've got it set up so I can watch TV, OR, I can use my new ipod armband holder that Katy (Jim's sister. :) got me for Christmas to listen to music while I walk.
While I have no resolutions, I do have one goal. Get my CPA license. That's been my main goal since, well, nearly 8 years ago. It's annoying that I still don't have it, and even more annoying that I have to do all this extra work for it. But it will be worth it. Plus, I'm closer now than I ever have been. I've got 68 hours of CPE towards my 120. I've also already got the next 26 hours planned out. My goal is to be eligible to apply by July. And if you know me very well, you know I'll make it. :)