6:45 am
Jim: Good morning, honey! I thought you were going to get up at 6:15 and shower after I got up at 6:00.....
Me: Mmmm, sorry.
Beta enters with pouty face.....
My tooth is still in the tooth pillow....
(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) CRAP! crap! crap! crap!
Jim: Well, there was a huge storm last night. The tooth fairy couldn't fly through all the rain. I'm sure she'll come tonight.
Bad mom. Bad mom. What kind of mom totally FORGETS the tooth fairy????
Alpha: What do we have for breakfast?
Pancakes, cereal, do you want me to make a smoothie for you again?
I think I'll have some of this cake for breakfast. My mom used to do that all the time. :)
Take a shower.
Baby cry.
Change diaper.
Darn! Forgot to make the smoothie.
Make smoothie.
Feed oldest child.
Feed youngest child.
As soon as I'm done feeding him, we're heading to Walmart to buy groceries!
Beta: I'm going to use my money at the crane machine!
$1.50 later _______
Waaahhhhhh!!!!! pout pout pout
I'd like to return this alarm clock. It blinks and seems to be always lit up.
Ask for money returned in $1's. Think vaguely of tooth fairy.
Head to dental aisle. Refuse to pay $5 for special floss.
Start buying groceries.
No, we can't buy a coconut. No, we don't need eggplant.
Dang, 10:30, naptime.
Ahhh, he's finally asleep.
We'd better go so he can take a nap at home.
Gotta figure out meals for Sunday lunch.
Handle dispute over lettuce.
AAackk! We forgot to get another alarm clock!
Head to alarm clock aisle. The cheap $5 Back to School (college) ones are gone!
Look all over store.
Ask clerks.
They don't know.
Mom, can I have this alarm clock for my birthday? It has an mp3 spot!
We'll wait until it's your birthday.
I want this one.
No, it's $19. You can have these $5 ones.
But they aren't pink!
Why don't we wait until they get more in? Our food is defrosting!
Head to checkout lanes.
Get in one lane.
Man, this one is not moving AT ALL.
Get in other lane.
Get in third lane.
Ah, next in line.
11:45??? How did I spend 2 hours in Walmart?
Person ahead of me to clerk: um, I had a coupon for $2.50 off a box of cereal, but it ADDED $2.50 to my total.
Customer Service Mgr to me: Did you buy some cereal?
Cereal got rang up on my bill AND on hers!
Thankfully, not my problem to fix.
Maybe next week, I'll go on Thursday night and leave kids at home with Jim.
Will be much faster and cheaper.
Baby wakes up.
Girls, would you go get a 2nd basket to put our groceries in?
Scuffle over who's going to get it and push it.
(in blazingly hot parking lot) Who remembers where we parked?
I want to push it! No, me!!! No, I GET to!!!!
Darn, I knew it wasn't this aisle.
Can y'all push the basket between the cars without hitting them? I mean, not even hitting ONE of them!
Whew. It's a miracle they didn't hit anything.
It's hot in here!!!!
I know, give me a minute to get the groceries in and I'll start the car.
I hope we don't have a wreck on the way home. That would be fitting to how this morning has gone.
Enter garage at approximately noon.
Unload kids.
Unload groceries.
Feed children.
Put one down for nap.
Plop down on bed.