In my 6 years of parenting, I have yet to have anybody give themselves a haircut. Until now. It seems that while I was at church, Beta got some scissors and decided to test them out on her hair. We're not sure if big sister had a hand in this or not. They both say no, but I'm not sure she didn't watch and egg her on.
Here is a picture of the hair that got cut:
Beta put it in the trash can "so you would be happy, mommy"! Jim says he told her that when I got home, I would be upset. He says maybe he'll word things differently from now on.
The SECOND Haircut
A few months ago, we got a gift bag from the Welcome Wagon. It contained a letter for a complimentary haircut at a salon in town. So Tuesday afternoon, I head over to this place to get my free haircut. It's a salon and spa, and it's definitely keepin' Fayetteville funky! (That's the chamber of commerce's business slogan.) I get sent back with this lady who was polite but not overly friendly. I hand her the letter. She scrunches her face up in disgust at it, tries to mumble "so you just moved here?" and then goes up to the front while leaving me standing there confused. I overhear her at the front saying, "I had a gift certificate earlier today, too."
Okay. So I take it she's not entirely happy about working free of charge. I can understand that. I also start to worry about my hair. One person you don't want angry with you is your hairstylist!
To make a long story short, she cuts my hair very well and gives me a good cut after the horrible one I had a few months ago. I try to tip her with a check but she says she doesn't take checks. I guess I should have tried the debit card, but I felt awkward. So I ended up not tipping her.
So what should I do? Do I go back and give her some cash? Do I even go there again? The payment issue is really between her and her manager/owner. She cut my hair ok, but she wasn't very talkative or friendly. (I SO miss Heather in Little Rock!)
What do you all think?
Just give her a nice fat cash tip the next time you get your hair cut. Maybe mention before she starts cutting that you loved the last one and hope to make her your regular stylist....
Just give her a nice fat cash tip the next time you get your hair cut. Maybe mention before she starts cutting that you loved the last one and hope to make her your regular stylist....
Yeah, Heather rocks! There's nobody like her... :0) In fact, I just went to her Tuesday for a haircut & will see her on Wednesday for a hi-light.
My sister had hair down to her butt when she was 3...she took scissors & cut off a big hunk of her hair all the way up to her scalp. She tried flushing her hair down the toliet, but it wouldn't all go, which is how my mom found out that she did it.
I was the good daughter & never cut my hair! :0)
Thanks for the picture of Beta's hair in the trash can, but I want to see a picture of HER!! Forget her hair...I need to see her face. I miss her.
And, Alpha. :0(
I hope you talk about me everyday so that they don't forget about me.
Maybe you should put a framed picture of me by each of their bedsides so that they won't forget what I look like???....
OK, maybe THAT'S a little weird.
But, whatever.
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