Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The red rabbit ran over the round earth.

One year ago, Alpha could not say this sentence. When she spoke, it came out "De wed wabbit wan ovew de wound oowwf." Or something to that effect. She could not pronounce her /th/ or /r/ sound.

But now she can!!!!

I had a conference with her speech teacher today. She's been dismissed from speech! She has met all of her goals (mainly /th/ and /r/ sounds). I signed papers saying that she has no speech delay, no "disability", and that she should be returned to the main classroom full time. I wondered how she'd feel about stopping speech. Her speech teacher said that when she mentioned it to her yesterday, she said, "YAY!!!!!" Of course, she jokingly told her she was supposed to be sad.

The main thing her speech therapist told us was that, in her 25 years of working with kids, NO ONE has EVER gotten an /r/ sound this quickly. We started speech in March of this year, and then didn't do anything over the summer. So she had speech class for March, April, May, September, October, and November. She has actually been saying the /r/ sound since mid October and could have been dismissed earlier.

So next time any of you see her, ask her to say an a /r/ word! It's so exciting listening to her!

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