Last night, we discovered we had a frog in our pond! He was soooo cute! And kind of stuck. The poor thing hopped in, but had no way to get out! We had the rocks situated in a such a way so that they overlapped the edge of the pond. He kept trying to hop onto a rock when we discovered him last night, but he couldn't do it. Thankfully there were plenty of bugs in and around the pool to keep him fed. I also moved two rocks to provide him with a way out.
Here is proof of the frog.
And I guess it worked. When the girls and I got home today, the frog was gone! Hopped away. I had to turn and run inside, though, when Alpha said "But he CAN'T hop away, he was our pet!" (Knife through heart! AARRRGGGHHHH!!!!)
My mom has a pond like yours. She had a frog that lived there for years and last summer he was gone. She has a new one this year though....maybe the "pet" will come back!
Hi, Kylie! Thanks for commenting. This is the first time we've ever had a pond. We've had it for about 2 weeks now. So far it's going well, but we'll have to see how the upkeep goes.
For the other readers of this blog (all 4 of you), Kylie is one of my coworkers.
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