Tuesday, October 14, 2008


The other day, our book order from Alpha's class came in. Beta had gotten a diary with a puppy on it that includes 2 keys and a fuzzy pen. She loves it! She writes her deepest, darkest secrets in it......like D, R, L, O, and B.

Tonight at bedtime, she mentioned that when she told her gymnastics teacher today about her new diary, her teacher thought she was talking about poo poo. I asked her why and then, it hit me.

"Did your teacher think you said diarrhea?"

She laughed. I laughed! Heartily!

I guess she told her teacher, "I got a diary" and it sounded like "I got diarrhea."

I have honestly NEVER thought those two words were even closely related.

Maybe I should go explain.

Maybe not.

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