Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How It's Going

I'm sitting here pondering how my life has changed over the past 11 days. So I thought I'd write about it. Keeping everything in small, short snippets, of course.

1. I am loving third-time motherhood! Yes, you read that right. The first time around was such a shock to the system. I had endured 24 hours of labor to end up with an unwanted c-section. But also a beautiful baby girl. Who proceeded to scream and cry and have reflux for several months. I love Alpha to death, but my induction into motherhood with her was similar to baptism by fire. :) With Beta, things were definitely easier, but I had this hurried-ness that made me wish those early weeks away. With J4, I'm actually happy and enjoying this! Ok, I'm still sore and would love to sleep from 11-7 straight. But I'm ok with all of this because I know it doesn't last forever and things will eventually return to "normal", whatever that is.

2. We've had more jealousy from the dog than from either of the girls. The poor dog didn't know what on earth this screaming, smelly "dog" was. She hasn't bothered the baby, but she still looks at him funny. As a matter of course, I never leave the dog and baby alone in the same room. Never.

3. I am loving my Graco Travel Lite crib! We are using it as a bassinet in our room for now. When we finally make it down to Little Rock, that'll be his bed until he's older. This thing is small enough to actually fit through a doorway and be lightweight to carry. It has wheels so we can easily move it through the house. Very happy with my purchase!

4. I love being a stay-at-home mom. Really. I do. But yesterday was boring. I watched tv from 8-noon. I watched A Baby Story on TLC and SuperNanny on the Style Channel (or something like that). I have only ever watched one episode of SuperNanny, and strangely enough, that was the exact episode that was on yesterday! I work for over 2 years to come back home and watch.....the same thing? Anyway, when J4 is old enough to go places and the girls are out of school, it will be WONDERFUL! But yesterday was boring.

5. Do I put on make-up or not? I remember one key to staying at home. Get up, get dressed, do something. Don't just lie around in pajamas. It is good for your soul and mental health! But yesterday, as I applied my make-up, I thought, "you know, no one is going to see me. I'm not going anywhere. Should I waste an application of this?" But I finished applying it. For the record, I'm wearing make-up today, too.

6. Just this morning, I hit my pre-pregnancy weight! YES!!!! I'm very excited. But before anyone thinks I'm lying around all skinny and stuff, let me remind/inform you that I started this pregnancy 20 pounds higher than my last 2 pregnancies. So I still have a good 20-25 pounds that I need to lose. I'm hoping some of it just keeps coming off....The rest will probably leave me when I take baby in a stroller, dog on a leash, and 2 girls on bikes or scooters for a walk this summer.

7. So now that I've hit my pre-pregnancy weight, I should probably try wearing some pre-pregnancy clothes, right? Heh, heh...... Um, let's just say I'm kinda nervous to even try.

8. We are still planning to make it to Easter services this Sunday. J4 will be 2 weeks old....But I'm ready to get out of this house. Plus, I was smart enough to buy the girls' dresses and shoes before he was born. He's got an outfit as well. I'll post pictures. :)

9. J4 is, so far, an easy baby. He is still sleeping a lot. WAY more than either of the girls slept at 11 days old. I don't mind, really... He also only fusses when he's being changed or when he's hungry. We've had a few moments that seemed like colic. And don't think I'm naive enough to believe we're going to get to skip that part. He's only 11 days old. Give him time.

10. I'm doing ok with this whole boy-thing. Honestly, the only time I have to do anything different than I did with the girls is during diaper changes. Jim, my mom, and me, were all "baptized" last week at one point or another. The girls would do the same thing, but their showers would just go down and hit the floor. J4's hit the ceiling! Other than that, taking care of a baby is the same no matter the gender, at least for now.

I could probably go on, but, with perfect timing, he's starting to wake up now and it'll be time to eat. Hmmm....he just tooted as well.....Back to work!


Jennifer said...

You hit your pre-pregnancy weight in 11 days?!? Gosh, I think it took me 5-6 months!

I'm glad it's going so much better this time! Sounds like you're getting some rest and have decent cognitive function. I hope I can do a little better with that the second time around. Anna was 2 weeks old her first Sunday at church too. We made sure to allow extra time for people to oooh and ahhh over her before service started. :)

Wendy Thibault Kane said...

Heh, well, yes, I guess I did hit my pre-pregnancy weight in 11 days....I was very lucky this time, though. During morning sickness, of the foods I could handle, I had no appetite. I ate a little all day long to keep the nausea at bay, but I never ate a huge meal. I had only gained a pound or two by the end of the first trimester. The rest of the time, I just ate what I wanted, but I didn't go all out. I wish I had realized this with my other two! Both of those pregnancies I gained 35-40 pounds. (I quit counting.....) With this pregnancy, I only gained about 22 pounds. And remember, I've still got 20 pounds I'd like to lose that were gained by eating too much just all the time. Can't blame those on pregnancy, unfortunately!