Friday, September 26, 2008

Bikes, Blues, and we're through!

We've finally done it. The girls and I have been to Bikes, Blues, and BBQ.

We went last night (Thursday) to hear the CMA - Christian Motorcyclists Association - band play. It took them awhile to get going, but once they did, they were pretty good. The weather was absolutely perfect! We sat on lawn chairs and listened and watched the bikes go by. Neither girl wanted to leave, but we had school and work today.

So tonight, Jim picks us all up, we go pick up Pop, who'd been at the rally all day, and head to supper. After supper, we went back to the rally. After contributing to a fellow PTO for parking, we headed to the church. There was no CMA band tonight so we decided to walk down Dickson street.

Walk: definition: jump in the line that is headed down the street and pray you don't stumble or lose a shoe.

As we got further down Dickson, the tranquility of the previous night was obliterated. The crowds grew thicker, the smoke got heavier. The smell of exhaust, leather, smoke, and food commingled to make for an unusual outing.

Alpha, who's my extremely outgoing, people-loving child, hated it. She wouldn't hold our hands (she already thinks we're not cool and she's 7!) but she was in danger of getting lost or drug off.

Beta was ok with it. Although, we saw one of her preschool friends on our sidewalk but headed in the opposite direction. She wanted to run and say hi to her, but there really wasn't room. She seemed upset for a minute, but luckily there was enough other things to distract her.

Speaking of distractions, I now know why, when I was a kid and we'd be at the fair or someplace similar, my dad would smile and say to my mom "Ya want me to get a shirt like that?" She would nonchalantly, but emphatically, reply with a stern, No.

While we're on the subject of clothing, I should also mention that seeing some of these women tonight made me feel really good about myself. There were outfits that I would not wear in a million years. There were outfits I had put together myself but thought, hmmm, I really need some cool shoes and not my bright white tennis shoes with this. Apparently these women never had that second thought. Then there were the women who obviously don't realize they've gained weight since high school and think they really CAN wear those tight, skimpy tops. Or pants. Or omg! I know you didn't!

So, we're through with BBBBQ for this year. We made it down to the Walton Arts Center, crossed the street, and headed back up to the church. We sat and people-watched for a little while longer. Then we came home.

Now we can all fall asleep listening to the gentle, not-so-distant roars and rumbles of motorcycle engines.

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