Happy Birthday to youuuuuuu!
Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuu!
Happy BIRTHDAY dear Jiiiiii-immmmmmm,
Happy Birthday to youuuuuu!
And many morrrrrrrrreee.......
Today is Jim's, um, well, birthday! We celebrated by having Jim do no house or yard work all day. Also, for 24 hours, I let him be right. ;) (you know those birthday cards, eh?) Oh, and we had a cake and some presents, which are shown below. And steak from Doe's. (definitely worthy of a birthday dinner!)

The cake is "german chocolatkake" from Coldstone Cremery. YUM!

Everyone was excited about ROCK BAND 2!!!!!

So everyone had to get in on the act. Drums, guitar, and the violin.
The girls asked me today why Rock Band had no trumpets or violins and such. I told them that was a different kind of band they were thinking of.
Ok. Sorry for any of you who can't read this. I made the images medium instead of small. When I told blogger to put the text to the right of the images, it seems it doesn't have enough room. It did not look like this one the preview or even on my computer at home.
sounds like a great party!
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