Monday, December 6, 2010

Blogging is so 5 minutes ago

Does anyone blog any more? Has everyone left and gone to Facebook or Twitter? From the looks of my blog, it would seem so.

I could write a million things about what I've been doing the last 2 months, but I'm tired. So I'll just post some pics.

Back in October, we went to the Ozark Corn Maze. Everyone had a blast!

Then, of course, that was followed by Halloween!

In November, it turned cold. J4 refuses to wear his coat when he's fastened in his car seat. So I've had to take his coat and cover him up with it instead of putting it on him. Here he is at Walmart in one of his baby hats.
Isn't he cute???????? (sorry...I'm a bit biased.)

Now it's Christmas! We attended the opening night of Lights of the Ozarks.

And finally, I got my new ornament for 2010.


Jennifer said...

I have such good intentions to blog, I really do! It's sad, I blogged so often when Anna was a baby, and poor 2nd child Sarah only has a few entries so far...

And oh my gosh, yes, he is super cute!

Wendy Thibault Kane said...

Actually, I've been impressed that you are blogging at all! My baby is way older than yours and this is my first blog post in two months. Just keep up Sarah's baby book so that when she's older, she won't look at it and see blank pages. :) Trust me....they notice. lol!

Jennifer said...

Ha... the blog IS the baby book... that's why I need to keep it up!