Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Odds and Ends

I made fried chicken the other night. Like, for real. ACTUALLY FRIED chicken. For the first time in my 10 1/2 years of domestic life.

I remember the first time I tried it. Jim, me, our apartment! How sweet! The years BC were filled with new experiences and plenty of time to savor them. So I thought I'd fry chicken. We'd been married about 2 months or so. I thought I had the hang of that "cooking" thing.

My chicken was crispy and golden brown. Mouthwatering! Glorious!

Until we bit into it.

It was stone cold and RAW on the inside.

Fast forward to Jim's birthday a few years ago. I'm trying to fry chicken for us and his family. I KNEW it would work. I'd been reading, this time. 1 hour and 1 bucket of KFC later, dinner was done.

So when I tried to fry chicken the other night, I truly didn't think it would turn out. I almost browned it in the skillet and then put it in the oven. (cheating!!!!) But I got a new pan with some Christmas money that was labeled a "jumbo fryer" and mentioned chicken ON THE BOX.

Anyway, it turned out GREAT! I mean, it was actually cooked! And the outside was crispy! Not as crispy as I like, but it LOOKED and TASTED like fried chicken!


Anyone want to come over for supper?


Unknown said...

You're a brave woman! I've decided I don't need to know how to fry chicken since we only have it, oh, once every 5 years. I can, however, beautifully roast a bird.

Wendy Thibault Kane said...

I haven't tried it that often since it's hard and KFC does it SO much better. AQ Chicken House here in Fayetteville makes some that tastes EXACTLY like my grandmother's. So, yes, I guess I was brave. We purchase it 1000 times more than I cook it.