Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Mommy - The Finder of Things

Preface: Did you file an extension on your 2007 income taxes? Well, if you did, you'd better get crackin'! The extension deadline is Oct 15 and "it'll be here before we know it!" to quote my boss.

Because of the tax deadline looming, I'm working some extra hours this week. Therefore, Jim had to take the girls to gymnastics on Tuesday. At 4:05 I get a call....

Jim: Hey, where is Beta's pink fuzzy leotard? She can't find it and is basically refusing to wear anything else or even GO if she doesn't have it.

Me: (Sigh) Aren't all the light-colored things washed?

Jim: Yes

Me: Then check her dance bag or the cubby in her closet.

Jim: Already done. Not in there.

Me: (Sighing louder and sounding perturbed) Then I don't know. It's just lost! If it's not in the dirty clothes then I don't know where it'd be.

Jim: (garbled pronouncement to girls)

Me: Oh, wait! Last week she stuck it in the drawer with her pants. Look in there.

Jim: (to Beta) Put it on and get ready! Thanks, honey. I knew you'd know where it was.

This is but one small installment of the series, "Mommy - The Finder of Things".

Sometimes, ok, most times, it feels like I'm the only one who knows how to move blankets, open purses and bags, look under desks, and actually FIND things. (Now, to be fair, Jim has gotten a LOT better at finding things.) But for awhile there, I was the ONLY one who could do it. Now, Jim takes the Level 1 Help Desk of Lost Things while I take Levels 2 and up. They can go way up, too.

Losing things REALLY bugs me. It's near the top of my list of "things that really bug me".

I'm trying to teach my children responsibility. I think what they're learning is "things that drive mommy crazy".


Kelli @ writing the waves said...

Hi Wendy! You might not remember me from Pike View - your little brother's friend, Kelli. It's been a LONG TIME. I recently found Matt on facebook, "met" Robin through her blog, and saw the link to your blog, so I thought I'd say HI! Gotta love modern technology. :)

I hope you are doing great! Your girls are beautiful. I can totally relate to this post. My husband can never find anything either. haha!

Wendy Thibault Kane said...

Wow, is that really you? Kelli Thibodeau? (or however you spell it) Seriously? How cool is that! I'll have to go visit your blog some now. Thanks for stopping by!