Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Awesome and Terrifying. All at the same time.

See, now this is what I'm dealing with:

Beta asks for oreos after school. I tell her she can have two. She opens the package and nonchalantly tells me that she has learned to start counting at zero. I think nothing of this until dessert tonight when she asks for two more oreos. She tells me again, "I start counting at zero, mommy! See? Zero, one. I need another oreo to get to two."

Awesome and terrifying. All at the same time.

Update: This afternoon, she again says she'll have two oreos. She counts "zero, one, two." Well, momma wasn't born yesterday nor was she an Underwater Basketweaving major. I told her "no, if you're going to count that way, you can have ONE!" It took a swift hand, but I got them away from her. And she only got 2 oreos. The right way.

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