Sunday, April 26, 2009


It's up! The new swingset is UP! I can NOT believe it! Friday morning I was really losing hope that it was going to happen this weekend. But at 6:30 tonight, the girls were given free reign of the new swingset. Mommy and daddy took a turn or two as well.

To say the girls are excited would be the biggest understatement of all time. I'm worried about tomorrow, though. I think it is supposed to storm. :( At least they got to play on it tonight!

My hubby is the man of the hour! He had a cold and/or allergies yesterday and today. Yet he STILL managed to get the swingset dismantled and then put back together. Special thanks to Collin and Dustin, who helped dismantle and re-mantle and to TJ for loaning us the trailer we used to transport it. We could not have done it without these 3 guys!

So who wants to come swing on it now? As shown in the last picture, it's strong enough for an adult! Party, anyone?

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