Thursday, March 8, 2007

You Big Baby!

You are not going to believe what I'm going to tell you. But I swear, it happened. Or in the immortal words of Dave Barry "I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP!"

I am the treasurer of the PTO at my daughter's school. We have been collecting money for yearbooks. Wednesday afternoon, I made another deposit. However, as I drove off, I looked at the receipt. The deposit amount was wrong! I was headed home anyway so I went in and got the sheet where I had added up the deposit. I went back to the bank and showed the same teller and told him he'd done the deposit wrong. His amount was $3 less than mine. He didn't argue with me, but went and fixed it. He didn't even say he'd have to count his drawer or wait until closing that night.


When he came back to the window of the drive-thru, he said "Ok, you big baby! There's your three dollars!" in a tone that sounded like he was kidding. I said, "Well, it was wrong." He said "Well there's your three dollars are you happy now?" I said, "But it's three dollars!" Then he said, "Are you gonna ask for suckers again?" (It is now a rule that we must procure 2 suckers for every trip to the bank even for children who may not be in attendance.) I told him no, that my daugher had already said we shouldn't ask for suckers again. Maybe some of my lessons ARE getting through to her. Then after that, I think he just said thanks and have a nice day. I really don't remember b/c I was still in shock!

Was I mad? Not at all. Was I offended? Nope. All I kept thinking was, "Did this guy really just say 'big baby'"? A BANK TELLER just said this???? I mean, banks are supposed to be all professional and stuffy. They've got the money, don't they?

On the other hand, maybe I looked young and hip enough to him that he thought he could joke with me. That would actually be a compliment! He did say it in a very joking tone.

Needless to say, I'm glad this is the school's bank and not our bank. And I'm sure this guy's bad karma will come back around and bite him in the butt. Maybe one day he'll accidentally GIVE us $3. Maybe he already has a kid who'll be coming to our school next year. Then we can get this guy to make the bank deposits and deal with the tellers! Maybe his supervisor will overhear him one day. Who knows? Certainly not THIS big baby!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow, wendy. i hope he was just kidding, but he sure sounds like a jerk! hopefully you won't have to deal with him a whole lot.

anyway, have you checked out my blog lately?