Sunday, December 23, 2007

Answered prayer

This morning, while I was praying in the shower, (yes, I pray in the shower) I casually asked God to show me that some of our Christian teaching was getting through to the girls. I asked him to let me know that some of it was sinking in.

Fast forward to the children's sermon at church today. A dangerous time.....Alpha is sitting NEXT to the preacher and, hence, the microphone. First, the preacher says there are 2 more days until Christmas and she blurts out, "No there's not! There's only ONE more day!"

Anyway, the point of his Children's sermon was that Jesus is the greatest gift God has ever given us. He asked the kids if they could remember that on Tuesday. They said yes. Then Alpha says, "You can remember that EVERY day!"


Praise God for his wonderful sign! Praise the Sunday school teachers and family members that have taken the time and effort to explain God to kids. They ARE getting it and they DO get it. Sunday school works! Religious education works! Praise be to God!

And remember on Tuesday, and EVERY day, that "For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son. That whosoever believeth in Him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.

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