Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I can't believe it......I did it!

You won't believe what I did tonight. I exercised! I'm talking, really, truly, honest-to-goodness, sweaty exercise! See, I need to lose, oh, 5 pounds. Or so..........

So began my I'm-going-to-start-exercising-again decree. So two weeks ago, I did a small, 20 minute video. No sweat.

Then, an entire week later, I did another small, 20 minute video. No sweat either.

Hmmmm. Not looking too good. I've GOT to figure out how to start. To make this a habit.

So last week, maybe Thursday, I pulled out an old, old tape. Yes, I have exercise videos on TAPE! It was an ab video with five approx. 10 minute segments. I did one and a half of them. Wow! I can still do it! This isn't so bad! I'll start with abs and work up to cardio......

The next morning......ow, ow, ow. Let's just say, those exercises are nothing if not EFFECTIVE!

So I skipped exercising for 3 days.

I have a multitude of excuses. I don't have space to list them all. But tonight, I had no excuse. And for some reason, I WANTED to exercise. I mean, REALLY. So I pulled out Christi Taylor's Hi-Lo Heaven. It was made in 2001, I think. (And it's on a VHS tape.)

I started the tape. Ah, yes. I remember liking this one. Christi Taylor's videos have intense, crazy choreography. That's what makes them so much fun! They are hard to learn, but once you learn them, they are very fun to do.


I made it all the way through the first 25 minute section. You can cool down after that or go on to another 25 minute section. (You have to be crazy to attempt that, but some people do....) :) It was like riding a bicycle. I remembered the steps! They were still fun.

Now I feel great! I hope I can exercise tomorrow. My main enemy is time. But I want to see some results, and I KNOW this is the best way for that to happen.

Yay, me!

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