Sunday, April 15, 2007


I can't think of anything to post. Yes, things happened this weekend. Yes,they were fun. But right now, at bedtime on Sunday night, i can't remember any of them. Well, last night we actually hosted a party! For 2 couples and their kids. Which equaled 11 people total. AAHHH! It was great fun, though. I've got pictures and maybe I'll get them up before May.

On Friday, during a very cold rainstorm, we bought new crocs! The girls and I all got Mary Jane-syle crocs. The girls are "pink swirl" and mine are "pearl", i.e. grayish-white. We can't wait for it to be warm enough to wear them.

We had church today. The choir wasn't singing an anthem so I sat out with Jim and the girls. Very interesting. The girls are quiet and don't say a word, but move around like monkeys!

This afternoon we went to Lowe's to try and get some gardening stuff. It didn't happen. Even the plastic pots were too expensive! Why does even "good clean fun" cost money? It's so frustrating. We need to do some landscaping for our house. We'd also like a patio set and to have a vegetable garden for the girls. But it all takes money! I'm so sick of worrying about money. Mine or somebody else's.

Well, I think it is bedtime now. Maybe I'll remember the cute stuff my girls did tomorrow night. Ciao!

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