Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Here is my rant about your child's temperature.

We all know that 98.6 degrees farenheit is normal, right? Ok. That's about all that's agreed upon, though.

The doctors will tell you that anything UNDER 100.4 is NOT a fever. Well, try telling that to the school or day care. The school says that if a child's temp is 100.0, then he/she should stay home. The day care doesn't have a set rule (at least ours doesn't), but if you walk in and say "she's running about 99.8 on temp, but she's ok", they will probably not let you stay. Some day care directors are more anal than others. Our previous one would not have let your kid stay if you said her temp was 98.7

We saw a doctor yesterday who told us that he doesn't REALLY consider it to be a fever unless it's 101 and above.

What's a mom to do??????

As for how to take a kid's temp, there are also a million different ways. The ear thermometer seems to be the most popular nowadays. If it's under the arm with a mercury thermometer, then you add a degree to the result. I had a nurse at our previous doctor's office who told me that with a rectal reading, you had to subtract a degree. Why you would do that when you are taking the child's temp from INSIDE their body is beyond me. I had never heard that one before. But this was a pediatric nurse!

And then there's the whole "don't return to school until you have been fever free for 24 hours". What does that mean? Say your kid's temp is 99.5 at bedtime after going all day with no tylenol. In the morning, it's 98.9. Can they go to school or not? Is 99.5 a fever? And what's so special about 24 hours? It's not like your body suddenly goes "ok....23 1/2 hours....still contagious.....wait...wait.....NOW! Fever free!"

Anyway. I'm writing all this because Beta is home for her second day with strep throat. I want to take care of her while she's sick, but she's up and running around and says her throat doesn't hurt at all. The only symptom she has is a fever.

Wish us luck!

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