Saturday, March 29, 2008


Well, I haven't posted much this week. There might be a reason. I've been busy! I worked 50 hours this week doing taxes. And as crazy as it sounds, I LOVE doing taxes! I don't love doing them 50 hours a week. But I've only got 2 1/2 more weeks to go. Yippee!

So, to give you all something besides babies to look at (kidding, Felio's!), here are pictures of my finally-blooming daffodils. Daffodils are my absolute favorite flower. I remember them planted in a circle around my grandmother's tree in her front yard. I did that at our first house, and I've planted some at this house, too. I plan to plant daffodils everywhere we live. It'll be like my trademark.

And my favorite setting on my digital camera is "macro" for close-ups. I used to try these shots with a regular point-and-shoot and couldn't figure out why they were always blurry. Now I know that there's a 4-foot minimum distance for most all point-and-shoot cameras. So I use my macro setting frequently!

1 comment:

David said...

At least you picked a good flower. after all, the jonquil (aka, daffodil) is the birth flower for March and is the traditional flower for celebrating St. David's Day.

See, I can bring any topic back around to talking about me or my baby (or both).

Speaking of my baby, yes, it is 3:45 AM, but it actually isn't because of Anna. She is the only one sleeping through the thunderstorm right now.

Those who would like to see more picts of my daughter, whose birth flower is a daffodil, can head over to my blog.

Sorry. You were saying?