Sunday, April 6, 2008

More Kid Theology

We were practicing The Lord's Prayer last night. Alpha sort of knows it. Beta knows it all. She learned it at preschool. Here is Alpha's version of the first two lines:

Our Father, who aren't in heaven,
How will it be my name?

I've been reading a book called "Parenting in the Pew" by Robbie Castleman. It's a very interesting take on having kids sit through "big church." Her philosophy is that you are supposed to be WORSHIPPING while you are there. Not just counting the minutes until lunch. She explains ways to actually TEACH your children while you sit there. She doesn't like kids to just "sit still and be quiet."

So after reading some of her book, I tell the girls one Saturday night that tomorrow is Sunday, Jesus' favorite day of the week! Alpha looks right at me and says, "Well, it's not mine. That's the day I have to wear tights."

Stay tuned for more Kid Theology!

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