Thursday, June 21, 2007

Pictures my girls will hate me for

So, Aunt Robin. You miss your precious little pretty nieces? Maybe you'd like to know what they do when they think no one is looking.

These pics were taken last night while I was at church. The same night Beta cut her hair. (But before she did that.)

This one is going in Beta's senior year book. Or at least on a slide show.

These next two are of a "dance' the girls were doing. That's all the comment I'm going to give them.

Heaven help us.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pictures!!! Now, can you post one of Beta's hair, after she cut it?

Anonymous said...

Whose senior year book? Dd y'all have another kid? I know about Alpha and Beta, but who is the new child of whom you speak? :-)

Wendy Thibault Kane said...

Shut up, David.

Wendy Thibault Kane said...

I guess you are allowed a "touche`"!

Don't let it go to your head, though.